10 Doctor Who Guest Stars Who Got Themselves Noticed

2. Andrew Garfield (Daleks In Manhattan/Evolution Of The Daleks)

doctor who andrew garfield
BBC Studios

This Series 3 two-parter is most commonly remembered for anthropomorphic pigs, Tallulah’s grating New York accent, and, of course, Dalek Sec’s phallic head tentacles.

It’s not well loved, but it gets a bad wrap. There’s a lot to like in this story, including a pre-fame Andrew Garfield’s charming role as Frank, a Hooverville resident who helps the Doctor and Martha thwart the Daleks' plan.

Garfield went on to make quite the name for himself, starting with 2010’s The Social Network, one of the greatest movies of modern times. In 2016, his role as World War II medic Desmond Doss in Hacksaw Ridge was met with critical acclaim, and Garfield became a very popular man come awards season, with plenty of nominations under his belt.

But of course, Garfield is most famous for his stint as everyone’s favourite webslinger. Starring as Spider-Man in both of the Amazing Spider-Man films in 2012 and 2014, Garfield is generally considered to be the highlight of these two middling efforts. He later reprised the role in 2021's rather wibbly-wobbly Spider-Man: No Way Home, where he might just have cemented himself as the best big-screen Spidey of the lot...?

Regardless, within the span of five years, this man went from playing a bit-part in Doctor Who to playing one of the most popular superheros of all time.

Pretty impressive.

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Alex is a sci-fi and fantasy swot, and is a writer for WhoCulture. He is incapable of watching TV without reciting trivia, and sometimes, when his heart is in the right place, and the stars are too, he’s worth listening to.