10 Doctor Who Mistakes You Won’t Believe You Missed

4. Vanishing Effects (New Earth)

Doctor Who Midnight Donna Noble
BBC Studios

Just a few episodes before all those headphones went missing, something much more impressive totally vanished during David Tennant's first proper outing as the Tenth Doctor.

In New Earth, the Doctor and Rose travel to... New Earth. They're drawn there by the Face of Boe, but end up seeing far more than a giant head being pickled.

Rose falls foul of Lady Cassandra, who transfers her mind into the companion's body using an illegal psychograft. The machine surrounds Rose in bright blue light, as Cassandra's consciousness enters her body.

Well, in most scenes it does.

Just before Cassandra completes the process, the camera cuts to a wide shot of the scene. This only lasts for a second or so, but that's more than enough time to notice that the blue light has totally gone.

Doctor Who New Earth Rose Lady Cassandra Chip
BBC Studios

Was this a budget-saving measure they hoped we wouldn't notice? Or a genuine mistake? Either way, it makes Rose look like a glitched video game character stood there in a T-pose.

On the plus side, the blue light comes back for the next close-up.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.