10 Doctor Who Mistakes You Won’t Believe You Missed

3. The Hand Of Sutekh (Pyramids Of Mars)

Doctor Who Midnight Donna Noble
BBC Studios

Pyramids of Mars is one of the most beloved serials in classic Who.

After a nosey archaeologist uncovers a slumbering alien, the Fourth Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith must do battle with the awakened extra-terrestrial to prevent it from escaping its ancient burial chamber.

The alien in question is Sutekh, who, despite having a head the size of a small country, is a very serious dude. That said, his intimidation factor is greatly reduced if you take a closer look at one particular scene.

Sutekh spends a lot of time sat on his throne, which is fair enough. But when he finally does stand up towards the end of the story, we realise that he's not alone, as a human hand is very clearly visible on the seat behind him.

It tries to quickly duck away, but ends up very much in the shot.

This crew member was clearly instructed to hold down the cushion on Sutekh's chair. Maybe there was a risk of it sticking to his arse or something. Or, maybe they just really wanted to be in this episode, and this was their best idea.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.