10 Doctor Who Mistakes You Won’t Believe You Missed

2. Hold The Phone (Midnight)

Doctor Who Midnight Donna Noble
BBC Studios

Ok, but how good is Midnight though?

This episode took a major risk by breaking up the winning duo of David Tennant and Catherine Tate, but it absolutely worked, pitting Ten against a creature that he cannot see, and that seemingly cannot be stopped.

This episode is so good that it doesn't even matter that there's a massive cock-up before the titles even start rolling. Actually, there's two, but we covered the first one in another list.

The second one involves Donna. The Doctor is on the phone to her, because she's forgone the trip (wise move) in favour of a spa day. The Time Lord is using what seems to be an ordinary wired payphone, which is a bit weird for an alien planet, but whatever.

As for Donna, she's using a phone that seems to work by magic.

The design of the phone indicates that it should have a wire coming out of it. However, there's no wire. There's a hole where the wire should be, but the thing itself is missing. Again, the Doctor's phone does have a wire, so clearly that's a thing on this planet, so why does Donna's just have this empty slot?

Maybe this is a wireless phone, and the crew either forgot or couldn't be bothered to cover up the hole. Either way, you will never be able to watch this scene in the same way again. You're welcome.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.