10 Doctor Who Moments That Broke The Fourth Wall

4. Martha Gets Hyped (Journey's End)

Doctor Who The Shakespeare Code witch

Getting to fly the TARDIS would be pretty darn cool. Whenever a character walks through those iconic blue doors, they're often left speechless, amazed at the remarkable images their eyes are capturing.

So imagine how exciting it would be to land a role in the show, bagging the opportunity to play around with the TARDIS for real?

Well... the answer is very. It would be very exciting to play around with the TARDIS for real. Just ask Freema Agyeman, who got so hyped while shooting her TARDIS scenes in the Series 4 finale, that she ended up staring dead into the camera with an exhilarated look plastered across her face.

The angle of the shot (1:28 in the video below) implies that she's supposed to be looking at David Tennant's Tenth Doctor, but, while doing so, she accidentally stared down the lens.

Did the editor notice this, and just decided to leave it in? Or was this admittedly quite fleeting glance missed altogether? We don't know for sure - but it's a fun, heartwarming moment regardless.

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.