10 Doctor Who Moments You're Missing From Expanded Media

5. Davros' Origins

Doctor Who John Hurt
Big Finish

1975's Genesis of the Daleks is highly regarded as one of the greatest Doctor Who stories, and it gave us the first appearance of Davros, the creator of the Daleks. Over the years the pepper pots creator has returned and come face to face with various Doctors. But whilst Davros' debut in 1975 gave us the origins of the Daleks, what made Davros the scarred and chariot bound villain we're familiar with.

Genesis of the Daleks also gave us the first appearance of the Kaleds in non-Dalek form, and they appeared just like any other human-based species in the universe, so why does Davros look so different?

Back in 2006, Big Finish released their I, Davros series, which delved deep into the history and character of the Daleks creator. The series revolved around the war on Skaro, between the Kaleds and the Thals, and in amongst that, explored Davros and his family. The most key relationship of the series is that of Davros and his mother, who was always his greatest supporter, unlike his father.

Arguably the series most iconic moment occurs when the Thals bomb Davros' laboratory, which results in the scarred form we are most familiar with. The attack leaves him with constant pain, loss of many senses and forces him to spend his life in a life support chariot, with a blue blub in his forehead to restore some form of vision.

Amongst Big Finish fans, I, Davros is extremely well regarded, and if you are a fan of Davros its an absolute must. The series provides some brilliant drama and is a perfect origin for such a complex character.


I'm just a simple man, trying to make my way in the universe