10 Doctor Who Mysteries Explained Outside The Show
5. What Happened To Adam Mitchell?

Making his debut in the Series 1 story Dalek, Adam Mitchell didn't last long as a companion. He was booted out the TARDIS in his very next story, when he attempted to use the futuristic technology of Satellite Five for his own ends.
This left him on Earth with a hole in his head. And we never saw him again. Well, onscreen, that is.
In a move that no-one saw coming, comic-book company IDW chose to make Adam the main antagonist of its 12-part 50th anniversary epic, Prisoners of Time.
The strip reveals that, following his expulsion from the TARDIS, Adam embarked on a revenge plot against the Doctor, capturing many of his companions and holding them hostage (with a little help from the Master).
In the end, Adam chooses to do the honourable thing, sacrificing himself to put an end to the Master’s plans. He’s even able to restore his companion status somewhat, given a tombstone which bears the inscription "A Companion True."
It’s the sequel no-one was asking for - but it turned out to be pretty damn cool.