10 Doctor Who Mysteries That Will NEVER Be Answered

4. Did The Doctor Push The Half-Face Man?

Doctor Who Mysteries That Will NEVER Be Answered David Tennant Tenth Doctor
BBC Studios

One of the most striking moments in Deep Breath is the climactic showdown between the newly-regenerated Twelfth Doctor and his inaugural adversary, the Half-Face Man.

Part of the reason this scene sticks in the memory is because of its ambiguous ending. We know how it ends – with the Half-Face Man atop the spire of Big Ben – but not how he got there. Did he jump, or was he pushed?

Well, in typically mysterious Moff fashion, the episode refuses to tell us.

The Doctor and the Half-Face Man are at loggerheads, and the only way out is for one of them to deviate from their “basic programming.” For the Half-Face Man, this means suicide. For the Doctor, it means murder.

The more tantalising outcome is for the Doctor to have pushed the Half-Face Man – a moment that is shockingly uncharacteristic, and yet totally in keeping with the more ‘means to an end’ approach of this new incarnation.

The suggestion that the Half-Face Man simply yeeted himself onto Big Ben is, by comparison, pretty underwhelming. Though there’s always the possibility that the Doctor talked him into self-destruction, thus keeping his hands clean.

Doctor Who Deep Breath Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi
BBC Studios

That final, haunting, fourth wall-breaking shot of the Doctor certainly seems to suggest some involvement. But we’ll never know for sure.

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Doctor Who fan/YouTuber and now writer for WhatCulture!