10 Doctor Who Mysteries That Will NEVER Be Answered

3. Where Does The Doctor Really Come From?

Doctor Who Mysteries That Will NEVER Be Answered David Tennant Tenth Doctor
BBC Studios

The Doctor’s past really is the gift that keeps on giving. You can add bits to their backstory here and there, but there’s always more to discover.

Nowhere has this been more evident than in recent years, with the Timeless Child storyline giving the show’s protagonist the most concrete backstory they’ve ever had, while still leaving plenty of wiggle room.

We learnt that the Doctor wasn’t really from Gallifrey, and had lived multiple other lives prior to the ones we knew about. We were shown the Doctor's original form, and even met her adoptive mother, Tecteun.

And yet, in introducing all this lore, showrunner Chris Chibnall left us with more questions than answers. After contemplating whether to open the fob watch containing her hidden memories at the end of Series 13, the Doctor chose to instead bury it deep inside the TARDIS, somewhere she can never find it.

As far as the Timeless Child itself is concerned, we know even less. What species was she? Who were her original parents or guardians, prior to Tecteun? And where was she really from? Where did that purple portal lead?

With future showrunners under no obligation to continue their predecessors' stories (even Chibnall believes RTD will "ignore" the Timeless Child), these mysteries aren't likely to be answered anytime soon.

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Doctor Who fan/YouTuber and now writer for WhatCulture!