10 Doctor Who Mysteries You Didn't Know Were Answered

7. Why Was There A Twist At The End?

Doctor Who Heaven Sent
BBC Studios

There were a lot of people who watched Ncuti Gatwa's first Doctor Who season that wondered why the show kept breaking the fourth wall.

But for some, even weirder was the moment everyone suddenly broke into song at the end of The Devil's Chord, for seemingly no reason whatsoever.

Unlike other moments in RTD2 though (cough Ruby's Mum cough), the big song and dance number felt like a natural conclusion to what went before, considering that music was at the heart of the episode, and was shown to possess great power.

The actual, scripted reason for There's Always A Twist At The End was revealed by Russell T Davies in the pages of SFX magazine, who explained that the Doctor was originally going to say:

"Time’s gonna go crazy now, music is flooding back in, and everything’s gonna be strange for 10 minutes."

It's odd that such an incredibly quick moment was cut, as is RTD's justification that offering an explanation was "boring".

Hopefully he doesn't take the same approach with Mrs Flood...

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.