10 Doctor Who Mysteries You Didn't Know Were Answered

5. Who Was On The Laptop?

Doctor Who Heaven Sent
BBC Studios

After The Power of the Doctor went out, there was much speculation about an empty chair at the companion support group. Was it a tribute to the much-missed Elisabeth Sladen? Had Anneke Wills been unable to attend filming?

A cursory glance at the script for the episode reveals the truth, because everyone who appears onscreen is named in Chris Chibnall's stage directions for the scene. The script also reveals that a laptop is supposed to be set up on the empty chair, which would've been connected to other companions Zooming in.

The companions that Chibnall wanted to appear on Zoom were Martha or Ryan or Jackie Tyler. The laptop isn't even visible in the final scene, but his choice of characters is interesting.

Doctor Who The Woman Who Fell to Earth Ryan YouTube
BBC Studios

For one thing, it's strange that Ryan didn't appear on the laptop. Tosin Cole wouldn't have even needed to film new material, as they could've reused his vlog clips from The Woman Who Fell To Earth. And as for Martha, we seem doomed never to get an update on Doctor Jones.

And quite how Jackie Tyler was Zooming in from Pete's World is a whole other Doctor Who mystery to be solved! Maybe she's just more powerful than we thought.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.