10 Doctor Who Mysteries You Didn't Know Were Answered

3. How Did Captain Jack Become The Face Of Boe?

Doctor Who Heaven Sent
BBC Studios

Though some fans still don't believe it, Captain Jack Harkness is indeed the Face of Boe.

Aside from being more or less explicitly confirmed in the Series 3 finale, Russell T Davies also reiterated his intent during a lockdown tweetalong of New Earth, referring to the Face of Boe as Captain Jack during the scene where the giant pickled head fades away.

Doctor Who New Earth The Face of Boe
BBC/Twitter: @russelldavies63

During another lockdown watchalong â€“ this time for the Series 3 episode Gridlock â€“ RTD was at it again, offering an explanation for how the handsome Time Agent ultimately ended up looking like the Face of Boe.

The answer? Time.

As RTD put it, after five billion years of growth, "extraordinary changes" must happen. Jack may have been immortal but he never stopped growing or ageing, and after living for such a comically long time it's understandable that something weird might have happened to him.

There's also the theory that Jack was decapitated by the Headless Monks at some point, and it's his head that grew into the Face of Boe.

Jack was set to appear in A Good Man Goes To War at one point, so there's no reason both of these explanations can't be true!

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.