10 Doctor Who Questions That Always Confused You

6. Has Davros Had His Eyes Closed This Whole Time?

Doctor Who The Day Of The Doctor The Curator Tom Baker

Who'd have thought that a pair of eyes would be the most controversial moment in an episode described by one tabloid as "Peter Capaldi's Time Lord ponders whether to murder a child"?

In The Witch's Familiar, the Doctor and Davros sit down and have a chat about morality, ageing and legacy. Two bitter enemies coming to an understanding. Except that it's all a ruse by the Dalek creator to steal the Doctor's regeneration energy. It's this that the Doctor siphons off to allow Davros to see one more Skaro sunrise.

In a moment that isn't quite as moving as it should be, Davros opens his eyes. The eyes that have been obscured by scar tissue for the forty years prior to this, meaning that he's had to rely on the glowing blue eye mounted in his forehead. Peering through the black make-up, Julian Bleach does his best to sell the emotion of the scene.

A moment that was intended to humanise the Dalek's creator instead had perplexed fans joking about Davros' peepers on social media. And yet, the answer is staring you in the face, the small burst of the Doctor's regeneration energy has restored Davros his eyes.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.