10 Doctor Who Questions That Always Confused You

2. What Is The Hybrid?

Doctor Who The Day Of The Doctor The Curator Tom Baker

The supposed "Big Bad" of Series 9 kept fans guessing, and then, predictably left them angry and confused. Because, as always with ominous prophecies and dark portents, the answer is never as satisfying as the one you concoct in your fan brain.

The Hybrid isn't some terrible combination of Viking and Mire or Dalek and Timelord or Zygon and human. It's a metaphor, an allegory. That's what most prophecies are, they're just stories. They're not to be taken literally. We learned all that from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, right?

The Hybrid is a metaphor for the Doctor and Clara's relationship. That's what it always was, and the various red herrings scattered throughout the series feel half-hearted. It's a far more satisfying conclusion than if the Hybrid had been revealed to be Maisie Williams' Me.

The Hybrid is Time Lord and Human, more specifically the Doctor and his unwavering devotion and loyalty to Clara. Look at what he does to save her life, he returns to his home planet as a villain and a tyrant. Regeneration or not, he kills someone. The Big Bad of Series 9 is the Doctor himself, and it's a gripping, devastating performance by Peter Capaldi. Can you honestly say that a Dalek and Time Lord hybrid would be better? You saw those Cyber-Lords, right?

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.