10 Doctor Who Scenes Even More Impressive When You Know The Truth

5. Eleven Grabs A Bite

Doctor Who Planet of Fire Peri Turlough
BBC Studios

Whenever there's a scene in a TV show that involves inflicting pain on a character, you'd rightfully assume that the entire thing was faked.

But in one particular case in Doctor Who's fifth series, you'd be wrong.

Amy Pond does not have a nice day out in The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone, with the dastardly Angel Bob gleefully informing the Eleventh Doctor that there's "something in her eye" - that "something" being a Weeping Angel. Not good.

This Angel sends Amy on a massive trip, with dust pouring from her eye, and an ominous countdown leading to her death.

At one point, it also appears to turn her hand into stone, locking her in place. Proving that it's just a trick though, the Doctor bites her hand, and the shock of this action allows her to move it.

What you probably didn't know is that Matt Smith "completely and utterly" bit Karen Gillan's hand in this scene, as revealed by the actress on the episode's commentary track. Her yelp of pain was completely genuine, so perhaps Smith got a bit too method here!

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.