10 Doctor Who Scenes More Terrifying When You Know The Truth

7. The Drunken Yeti

Doctor Who Hide ghost
BBC Studios

The Yeti were one of '60s Who’s most memorable monsters, and together with the Cybermen and the Ice Warriors, spooked a whole generation of children.

And as it turns out, life playing a Yeti was just as terrifying.

One scene of their mostly missing debut story The Abominable Snowmen involved a particularly precarious moment, as Professor Travers actor Jack Watling (father of Deborah Watling, who played Second Doctor companion Victoria) recalled in an interview:

“There was a low angle shot, with us looking up at the Yeti on the horizon. Suddenly one of these Yeti fell off. He [bounced] hundreds of feet down. We thought, ‘He’s killed himself.’”

Fortunately, the actor in question was perfectly fine – amazingly, his seemingly fatal fall had been cushioned by the foam rubber of his Yeti costume!

As for why he’d taken a tumble? Well, the cast reportedly enjoyed a drink or two between takes.

A robot Yeti roaming the Himalayas is terrifying enough, but a drunk robot Yeti roaming the Himalayas scarcely bears thinking about. No wonder they left this moment out of the animated reconstruction.

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