10 Doctor Who Scenes More Terrifying When You Know The Truth

2. The Toymaker's Curse

Doctor Who Hide ghost
BBC Studios

The Toymaker is currently plaguing the Doctor and his friends, just as he did 57 years ago. And on that occasion, his influence extended far beyond the episodes themselves.

During his debut story, the Toymaker forces the Doctor to complete the Trilogic Game, a puzzle that involves moving a ten layer pyramid from one point to another, one piece at a time – all in less than 1023 moves.

The Celestial Toymaker was a favourite story of Steven actor Peter Purves, and so the Trilogic Game prop was gifted to him as a memento.

However, following his departure from the series a couple of stories later, Purves struggled to get work. He came to see the prop as the source of his bad luck, so much so that he decided to throw it away.

Doctor Who The Celestial Toymaker Trilogic Game
BBC Studios

Things got spookier when the very next day, Purves was offered work for the first time in ages – a part in the BBC police procedural Z-Cars. Within weeks he was also a presenter on Blue Peter, a show that would keep him in steady employment for the next 11 years.

Could the Toymaker’s curse strike again? If Catherine Tate steals the Galvanic Beam prop, chucks it away, then ends up becoming the next Blue Peter presenter, don’t be surprised.

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