10 Doctor Who Secrets That Were Hiding In Plain Sight

9. Clara's Stairlift Is Visible Early On (Last Christmas)

Doctor Who Cybermen Death In Heaven Cyber-Brig
BBC Studios

It's hard to know what's real and what's a dream in Last Christmas, which is presumably why we all missed the fact that there's a stairlift in Clara's house right at the beginning of the episode.

Now, yes, Clara may well be spending Christmas Day with her gran, which could explain the stairlift. But wasn't Granny Oswald looking pretty sprightly when she was ogling a naked Eleventh Doctor the previous Christmas?

While the stairlift isn't there during Clara's dream of Christmas with Danny, we can just assume that these are the circumstances of that particular dream. The stairlift at the beginning implies that this version of Clara's house is occupied by an elderly person, and of course, the ending confirms that it's owned by a much older version of Clara herself, who is visited by the Twelfth Doctor on what will be her last Christmas.

It's a brilliant reveal that leads to a heartwarming scene between the Doctor and old Clara, but if you were paying extra close attention at the start of the episode, you could've guessed what was going to happen.

Doctor Who Last Christmas Clara old
BBC Studios

Of course, it turns out that old Clara was also a dream, but this wasn't always the case. Last Christmas was once intended to be Jenna Coleman's final Doctor Who episode, and the ending would've been this scene between old Clara and the Doctor.

However, Coleman signed on for one more series, and didn't need that stairlift after all!

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.