10 Doctor Who Stories That Would Make Great Musicals
6. Vengeance On Varos
The second appearance for a Colin Baker story on this list, and with good reason. Baker's pantomime coat and stories laden with extreme characters and violence make for a perfect night out at the theatre. Philip Martin's Vengeance on Varos is rightly held up as one of his best, but how would it work in the West End? There's the core idea of an oppressed population under a grim, grey regime - just gagging for a gregarious gentleman in Beau Brummel apparel to rock up and cause some mischief. There's Sil, the oily capitalist slug, whose presence could be the source of many witty barbs about modern day business practices. Not to mention Quillam, the warped scientist with half a face. And who wouldn't want to see a duet between Peri and Areta, two unsuspecting young women who were transformed into a snake and a bird for vague plot purposes? The script is all about the depiction of horror as entertainment, so while the end product probably wouldn't be suitable for young children, the macabre nature of the piece would draw in the crowds and certainly give them something to natter about in the bar at the interval. As with Timelash, Michael Ball is the perfect choice for the singing Sixth.
I am a journalist and comedian who enjoys American movies of the 70s, Amicus horror compendiums, Doctor Who, Twin Peaks, Naomi Watts and sitting down. My short fiction has been published as part of the Iris Wildthyme range from Obverse Books.