10 Doctor Who Villains Who SHOULD Return

5. The Sea Devils

Doctor Who the Headless Monks

The Sea Devils are one of the most famous monsters from the classic series, but they haven't returned even a single time in modern Who.

It's strange, especially because their land-based cousins - the Silurians - have popped up a few times over the last 16 years, most notably in Series 5's The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood, which saw them attempting to reclaim the Earth for themselves.

This in mind, it feels like the Sea Devils deserve a similar story. Like the Silurians, the Earth is their home, so they have a rightful claim to the planet that they will undoubtedly want to keep flexing. The last time we saw them was in the Fifth Doctor serial Warriors Of The Deep, which was set in 2084 - so why not go into the far, far future, perhaps tying in relevant themes from our own current day (like global warming and ocean pollution), to serve as a catalyst for the story?

Something like Series 12's Praxeus, only, y'know... better.

Even Steven Moffat wanted to bring the Sea Devils back, but he never got around to doing it himself. Your move, Chibnall.

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