10 Doctor Who Villains Who SHOULD Return

3. The Alliance

Doctor Who the Headless Monks
BBC Studios

Over the course of the show, we've seen several multi-Doctor/multi-companion stories, with the heroes of the Whoniverse teaming up to take down a larger-than-normal threat.

But something that we've barely ever seen is a multi-villain story.

Sure, the Master has worked with the Daleks, the Cybermen, and his future self before, but that's not what we mean: we mean something similar in scale to The Alliance, the bad-guy team consisting of dozens of the Doctor's foes that was last seen in Series 5's The Pandorica Opens.

What's notable about The Alliance is that it actually managed to do what very few of these villains have done on their own: defeat the Doctor. Considering this 100-percent success rate, you'd think that the Doctor's rogues gallery would band together more often, but nope! The Pandorica Opens aired in 2010, and we haven't seen anything like this since.

Now sure, the novelty would wear off quickly if villainous alliances were formed every series, and it just wouldn't be practical from a production perspective to do this all the time. But with the 60th anniversary lurking on the horizon, wouldn't it be cool to have a multi-Doctor story with an updated version of The Alliance as the villain?

Yes. The answer is yes.

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.