10 Doctor Who Villains Who Ultimately Turned Good

8. The Empty Child

Doctor Who River Song Let's Kill Hitler
BBC Studios

Iconic Ninth Doctor baddie The Empty Child is a character that started out good, then became bad, then became good again.

Sounds confusing when you put it like that, so bear with us while we explain.

This monster was created when an innocent, near-death human boy called Jamie was infected with nanogenes that tried to heal him. This didn't really work out though, and what the nanogenes actually did was meld Jamie's gas mask to his face and turn him into a zombie-like creature that absolutely scared our pants off. "Are you my mummy?"

After two episodes of walking around creepily and asking everyone that question, Jamie finally did find his mummy, and when parent and child hugged, the nanogenes recognised the mother's DNA, allowing them to heal Jamie properly.

Everybody lives!

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