10 Doctor Who Voice Talents You've Never Even Noticed

1. Russell T Davis (Radio Announcer)

The man who brought Doctor Who back (with the help of Julie Gardner) in 2005 actually ended up in an episode of Torchwood. He's not credited on IMDB or anything but it's mentioned in some contemporary interviews that in Episode 9 of Miracle Day, the Welsh radio announcer is none other than Russell T Davies himself. Russell began his scriptwriting career by penning a Doctor Who story in 1987 which was subsequently rejected by then-script editor Andrew Cartmel. He apparently re-used some of those original ideas in the 2005 story The Long Game. Throughout his career Russell lobbied the BBC to bring Doctor Who back from its hiatus. It even got to the discussion stages in 1998 and 2002 before finally being accepted and brought back to our screens in 2005. And thank God he persisted! Can fans expect to see Steven Moffat making a similar cameo some day? Who knows... What do you think of this list? Are there any other actors who have made voice appearances that deserve more recognition? Post your comments below.

Joel Cornah, is an author hailing from a small isolated village in Lancashire. Having told stories of dinosaurs, penguins and dragons to his younger siblings for nigh on two decades, it soon became apparent that these tales needed to be written down. Gathering the myriad of maps, family trees, illustrations and noted ideas, he began work on the world of dyngard. Having grown along with the audience from a collection of loosely related children’s stories, it became a whole world of adventure, magic and questions. He was awarded a degree in Creative Writing from Liverpool John Moors University and spent seven years writing a comical newspaper for The Barrow Downs Tolkien discussion forum. Currently running a charity café in Parbold village, Joel is often found deep in discussion of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, the long history of Doctor Who, and desperately trying not to frighten people away. Often with limited success.