10 Dumbest Doctor Who Controversies

3. Vastra & Jenny Kiss Complaints

Doctor Who Jodie Whittaker

The funny thing about Doctor Who controversies is that they often generate some utterly wild headlines, like this one from 2015:

 "Doctor Who ‘lesbian-lizard’ kiss will not face investigation."

This referred to Ofcom receiving six complaints about Madame Vastra and Jenny 'kissing' in the 2014 episode Deep Breath. The six complainants stated that the kiss was "gratuitous" and "unnecessary". In response, Ofcom rightly told them to shut the hell up.

While it's heartening that only six out of the 9.1 million viewers watching Deep Breath felt the need to complain about this, it's still depressing that it garnered headlines – especially when you consider that it wasn't even a kiss, it was an oxygen transfer to keep Jenny alive.

It seems a select few were so blinded by needless rage that they weren't actually paying attention to the plot.

Regardless of whether the six complaints were rooted in a fear of lizards or lesbians, love is love! There's nothing gratuitous or unnecessary about a married couple sharing what might be their last intimate moment during a life-threatening situation.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.