10 Dumbest Things About Star Wars TV Shows

1. Helicopter Lightsabers - Star Wars Rebels

The Mandalorian N1 Starfighter Thumbnail

Speaking of Star Wars characters finally being given their live-action debuts, Obi-Wan Kenobi brought with it the arrival of The Inquisitors seen in everything from Rebels to EA's Star Wars Jedi games.

And while this group of Jedi hunting Force-users did still boast their unmistakable spinning lightsabers, Deborah Chow smartly opted to keep from unleashing one particularly dumb feature they possess in other Star Wars media.

During the Rebels series in particular, these forces of evil are seen actually using the weapon to fly, with it being said that a combination of micro repulsers and the spinning blades acting like propellors is what ultimately lifts the villains off the ground.

No matter how the visual is justified, though, the end result is still the same: a goofy visual of what should be some intimidating soldiers of Darth Vader hovering onto the scene via silly helicopter swords. 

And it's a feature that Star Wars seemingly and understandably wants us all to forget about, to be honest.

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