10 Dumbest Things About Star Wars TV Shows

2. Killing Cad Bane Too Soon - The Book Of Boba Fett

The Mandalorian N1 Starfighter Thumbnail

What a stupid waste this all was.

Swiftly becoming one of the greatest things to fall out of The Clone Wars animated series, the Duros cowboy bounty hunter known as Cad Bane was a character many had desperately wanted to see on the live-action stage for years.

So, when the Lee Van Cleef-inspired gunslinger did finally rock up late on in The Book of Boba Fett, folks were understandably giddy about the idea of him colliding with the likes of Din Djarin and the titular Fett, and possibly even popping up in various other live-action shows going forward.

Annoyingly, though, Bane's time on the small screen was quickly cut short and in the most disappointing way imaginable.

Resolving an unfinished Clone Wars arc that never even made it to screens in the first place, Bane was ultimately just taken out by the old apprentice whose helmet he dented during those aforementioned lost chapters. And this happened just one episode after his live-action debut!

Why even bother introducing him this late in the day if they were just going to kill him off in a fight the average Star Wars fan wasn't even that invested in? Pointless.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...