10 Dumbest Things About Star Wars TV Shows

4. The Laser Fence - Obi-Wan Kenobi

The Mandalorian N1 Starfighter Thumbnail

The Obi-Wan Kenobi TV show has taken a lot of flak in this list, so it's important to note that there were still a few strong things on show in Deborah Chow's live-action tale. 

Ewan McGregor's return performance as the titular Jedi was inevitably great, it was wonderful seeing Hayden Christensen back in a Star Wars project, and watching Vader and Kenobi share the screen will never not be a spine-chilling experience.

That all being said, the series does also contain one of the dumbest moments in the franchise's history.

As Kenobi and Leia find themselves being stopped at a laser gate after hitching a ride with a Condluran called Freck, it isn't long before the stormtroopers on duty try to gun down the icon. They're obviously no match for Kenobi, who takes them out with an uncivilised blaster. But that's when things get a touch stupid.

To knock out the laser gate that has stopped them in their tracks, Obi-Wan fires at it. But rather than return to the vehicle and continue driving down the road, they just run on through instead. Well, if that was always the plan, why bother blasting it in the first place when there was clearly space on either side of the thing to simply walk around?

What a silly goose.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...