10 Dumbest Things In Doctor Who: The Movie

6. Doctor On Doctor Violence

Doctor Who the TV Movie Paul McGann Eric Roberts
BBC Studios

If you've heard of the TV Movie but haven't seen it, then you probably think that Sylvester McCoy regenerates into Paul McGann after being shot. This is true... sort of.

The Seventh Doctor lands the TARDIS in San Francisco in 1999, accidentally inserting himself into a gang war. When the Doctor steps out of the TARDIS, the gangsters open fire and shred him to bits.

It's a pretty shocking visual to see kindly grandpa Sylvester McCoy get brutally gunned down, but that's not actually what finishes him off.

From here, he gets taken to hospital and is operated on. The surgeons, unaware of the Doctor's unique biology, accidentally cause him to have a seizure, his body spasming violently. Ultimately, it's this that kills him.

Why the Doctor couldn't have just died from the initial gunshot is unclear. It's a much more dramatic way to go out, it would've saved us all some time, and it would've made the people operating on him not look like incompetent fools.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.