10 Dumbest Things In Doctor Who: The Movie

5. The Pointless Romance

Doctor Who the TV Movie Paul McGann Eric Roberts
BBC Studios

Think of all the great action movies where the hero finally gets the girl, or the classic rom-coms that close out with a liplock. It's all part and parcel of cinema - except when it's really uncalled for.

Over the course of the TV Movie, the Eighth Doctor forms a bond with Grace Holloway, one of the medical professionals that accidentally killed him. Holloway, played by Daphne Ashbrook, serves as the Doctor's companion, and helps him overcome the Master's evil plan.

After all is wrapped up, the Doctor offers Grace the chance to come with him and see the universe. She says no, presumably because Ashbrook was only contracted for this movie, but kisses him goodbye as a consolation prize.

Or, considering that he's a space traveller, maybe it was a constellation prize? Eh? We'll see ourselves out.

Doctor Who wasn't big on these sorts of plotlines before the movie, so this whole thing seemed out of place. It felt too forced, too Hollywood, and the romance storyline added nothing to the overall film.

Still, at least Ashbrook got to kiss Paul McGann, which we're frankly quite jealous about.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.