10 Epic TV Moments Ruined By Awful Execution

The Mad Queen arc was a total bust.

Game of Thrones Daenerys

Coming up with a great idea for a scene and putting it to paper is no easy feat, but getting it filmed in front of cameras, put through post-production, and finally released to audiences is a whole other challenge.

As such, it's little surprise that strong creative concepts can be ruined by poor execution, whether a result of bad direction, wonky visual effects, or perhaps even the writers themselves losing touch with exactly what the fanbase wanted to see.

Though these huge TV scenes were long-awaited by fans and had the potential to be iconic, all-timer moments, they ultimately all landed with a thud, inviting either groans, uproariously laughter, or a perverse mixture of both as viewers wondered what the hell they just watched.

Clearly with some re-drafting, a stronger cast and crew, or a more generous VFX spend, these landmark moments could've made the soul-stirring impact the creators clearly intended.

Instead, they stick out as some of the worst moments of their respective shows, as monuments to awesome potential that was totally wasted...

10. Jax's Death - Sons Of Anarchy

Game of Thrones Daenerys

Sons of Anarchy committed the most cardinal sin of bungling its very final scene, a moment which must've read as emotionally shattering on paper - the suicidal demise of protagonist Jax Teller (Charlie Hunnam), who ends a police pursuit by riding his motorcycle into the path of an incoming semi-truck.

Seeing Jax repeat his own father's demise, riding the same bike on the same highway no less, should've been a poignant and poetic end to the series, were it not for the fact that the scene's CGI budget amounted to a crusty $10 bill.

As neat as the visual of Jax riding with a fleet of cops behind him was, the cut to a dodgy digital cardboard cutout of Jax as he approaches the truck is hilariously bad, to say nothing of the terrible CGI crows then seen snacking on a piece of CGI cake, as a CGI pool of blood creeps near.

And like that, what should've been one of the show's most impactful scenes was rendered a cringe-worthy laughing stock. Awful.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.