10 Epic TV Moments Ruined By Awful Execution

9. Clark Vs. Doomsday - Smallville

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Even in its better years, Smallville was always a show conceived on a budget, and so fans were largely used to cheap-looking visual effects and corny costumes. In a way, it was part of the show's charm.

But audience goodwill was stretched beyond breaking point in the season eight finale "Doomsday," when Clark (Tom Welling) finally faced off against his mighty comic book foe Doomsday (Dario Delacio).

For starters, Doomsday effectively resembled a goofy '90s Power Rangers villain rather than Superman's most terrifying nemesis.

Worse still, the hilariously cheap, terribly edited fight scene lasts all of around a minute before Clark body-slams the baddie into the ground beneath Metropolis.

Even accepting the show's limitations, this was painfully lazy. Smallville had pulled off far more impressive set-pieces in its earlier seasons, suggesting the show had even become bored of itself at this point.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.