10 Epic TV Moments Ruined By Awful Execution

5. Bob Kills Josie - Twin Peaks

Game of Thrones Daenerys

David Lynch's Twin Peaks is full of wonderfully weird and messed-up moments, but one that remains offputting for all the wrong reasons some 30 years later is the unintentionally comical demise of Josie Packard (Joan Chen).

Once it's revealed that Josie was behind the shooting of Agent Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan), she attempts to shoot herself only to suddenly drop dead out of nowhere.

As Truman (Michael Ontkean) cradles her corpse, Lynch cuts to the knob of a nearby drawer, where Josie's soul has seemingly been imprisoned by the villainous BOB (Frank Silva).

After a few terrified moments, Josie is contorted into a CGI wooden face on the knob and never seen or heard from again.

Though it's certainly a disturbing idea, the outrageously awful VFX, even for the time, make this feel like an amateur project.

Granted, Lynch loves to use unconventional - some might say "cheap" - effects to disarming effect throughout Twin Peaks, but never has it quite undermined the tone of a sequence as much as it does here.

Seeing Josie overlaid awkwardly over the knob and then turned into a horrendous digital render is more laughable than creepy.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.