10 Epic TV Moments Ruined By Awful Execution

4. The Carver Reveal - Nip/Tuck

Game of Thrones Daenerys

Nip/Tuck's second season was a marvel of self-aware trash, most memorably defined by the introduction of The Carver, a masked rapist with a penchant for disfiguring his victims.

Season two did a fantastic job of building up how much of a threat The Carver posed to both Sean (Dylan Walsh) and Christian (Julian McMahon), with the storyline ultimately defining the entirety of the third season.

Fans were chomping at the bit to find out the villain's identity, trading outlandish theories which were just plausible enough to suggest that basically any main cast member could be The Carver.

And so, when the long-awaited reveal finally came, fans were massively disappointed to learn that it was none other than Sean and Christian's rival plastic surgeon Quentin Costa (Bruno Campos).

Besides being the most obvious culprit - despite the show's half-baked attempts to throw fans off the scent - fans had been able to decode The Carver's masked voice a while earlier and figure out Bruno Campos was at least voicing the character if not also playing him.

To make matters worse, FX accidentally posted images online of Quentin as The Carver just a day before the reveal episode aired, entirely taking the wind out of its sails.

Given how riveted fans were by the entire Carver plot, the reveal amounted to a massively underwhelming twist and way too much energy spent on trying to throw viewers off the scent.

In a show propelled by its absurdity, almost any other character would've been a more interesting pick.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.