10 Episodes That Should Have Changed Star Trek Forever - But Didn't

7. "What Are Little Girls Made Of?" (TOS)

Androids popped up in several episodes of the original Star Trek, but perhaps the most sophisticated ones appeared in the Robert Bloch-penned hour, "What Are Little Girls Made Of?" Not only do they perfectly replicate the human form (or at least, the human exterior) but they - somewhat revelatory - also display a range of emotions. At the end of the episode, all of the androids are destroyed, but the equipment used to manufacture them remains intact. The episode and its androids, however, are never mentioned again or given any follow-up. One can't help but wonder if a visit to Exo III might have sped along Dr. Noonian Soong's own development of androids (which, decades later, is somehow revolutionary), or aided Data in concluding his quest for emotions long before he finally did in Star Trek: Generations (1994). You have to suspect that such ground-breaking work would have at least been chronicled somewhere.

Michael is one of the founders of FACT TREK (www.facttrek.com), a project dedicated to untangling 50+ years of mythology about the original Star Trek and its place in TV history. He currently is the Director of Sales and Digital Commerce at Shout! Factory, where he has worked since 2014. From 2013-2018, he ran the popular Star Trek Fact Check blog (www.startrekfactcheck.blogspot.com).