10 Episodes That Prove 30 Rock Is The Greatest Sitcom Ever Made

2. Mazel Tov, Dummies! (Season 7, Episode 7)

Seven long years we waited to see it, but Liz Lemon finally got married in the most heartwarming and beautiful episode 30 Rock ever did. Of course, it wasn't your traditional wedding. Liz got married in the only white dress she had €“ a Princess Leia costume €“ and Dennis also happened to be there. In a roundabout way, Liz wouldn't have been happy if it wasn't for Dennis. His being able to adopt a baby so easily was the catalyst for Liz to finally marry Criss. She'd been planning her wedding for a while, in true Liz Lemon style, but in the end she had a more perfect and natural wedding. The whole episode revolves around her not really wanting to make a big deal of it, and we realise it's because she's scared and uses the excuse of taking a stand to hide this. She protests all the way through that she doesn't want anybody they know to come and just wants to get married in a sweat top. Jack convinces her that she deserves a fairytale wedding because Criss is the love of her life and eventually she admits she wants that. It's brilliant simply because it took 7 years to happen and then within 20 minutes Criss and Liz went from living together to married. And... it worked. Not many other sitcoms could do that but for some reason it really worked in Liz's chaotic lifestyle. I think it works because Criss sabotages Liz's original simple wedding by 'forgetting' his birth certificate and he knows that deep down Liz wants to be a Princess. It shows just how in-tune they are as a couple and we know they'll be perfect together. Joke Of The Episode:Liz: "Ergo, it doesn't matter"Dennis: "Ergo! Affleck's finally gonna win that Oscar!"
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3rd Year Film and Television Production student at Edge Hill University. Writer of "Stockton's Last Stand" and screenwriter/director of "Hunted" and "Spyfail 2: The Search for Spyfail 1". I also do stand-up comedy sometimes... I'm told I'm marginally funny.