10 Even Crazier Game Of Thrones Fan Theories

6. Jon Has A Twin

There's a theory that Jon has a twin, and it's either Meera Reed, Daenerys Targaryen or Ramsay Bolton. Now, assuming the notorious R + L = J theory is true (that Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark are Jon's real parents), some believe that Lyanna gave birth to twins. One being Jon and the other being one of the top three. The Ramsay theorists believe that Jon was born with Stark honour and Ramsay with the Targaryen insanity, and because Ned Stark was still friends with Roose Bolton back when Jon was born, he'd have given him the infant to take care of. The Meera theorists believe that because Jon and Meera look similar, that Ned gave the baby girl to Howland, as they were also very good friends. It is also very strange that the Reed children seem to pitch up out of nowhere to help Bran on his quest to find the Crow, and believe that Howland was trying to get her out of the way much like Ned made sure Jon was far away from the civil war. The Daenerys theorists base their theory solely on the fact that George R.R. Martin has compared Jon's story to that of Star Wars' Luke Skywalker... and what would make them similar? Having a hot twin sister, of course.

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