10 Even Crazier Game Of Thrones Fan Theories

5. Varys Is A Faceless Man

Ol' Varys has smarts and sass and is clever enough to put Littlefinger in his place, but what is his agenda exactly? Unlike Littlefinger, he's a little more complicated to figure out. He claims he only has the good of the realm at heart, but none of the fans are thoroughly convinced. There are theories ranging from him being a merman (yes, really!), to being a Faceless Man. For now, let's focus on the latter. Some people on Reddit are sure that the real Varys was killed by a Faceless Man that's taken over his identity. Others believe that he was working for them from the start. He is, after all, the master of whispers and spies and he sure loves a good disguise. Could he be part of a larger organization? If so, how sure are we that it could be the Faceless Men?

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