10 Even Crazier Game Of Thrones Fan Theories

4. It's All Bran's Coma Dream

Perhaps a completely ludicrous theory (not to mention the absolute devastation all Game of Thrones fans will be if this theory does ring true) is that the entire series is Bran Stark's coma dream. From the moment Jaime Lannister pushed him out of the window, the theory suggests that the young Stark never actually woke up from the coma. Well, that would just be lazy writing on George R.R. Martin's part if it is true (which we all know it obviously isn't), however, if it is, then there could be a chance that we'll see one of the Starks on the Iron Throne before Bran actually wakes up to Old Nan reading him another story and Hodor standing over him saying "Hodor". But it obviously isn't true. Even though that would be hilarious.

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