10 Even MORE Doctor Who Episodes You Didn't Know Were Connected
4. The Angels Take Manhattan & The Crimson Horror

A made-up brand can be a good way to lend continuity to your fictional world. The Simpsons has Duff Beer, the movies of Quentin Tarantino have Red Apple Cigarettes, and Doctor Who has Magpie Electricals.
However, that's not the only brand that recurs across the Doctor Who universe.
Brightwell & Hyman is a manufacturing company that made the matches with which Rory attempts to combat the cherub Weeping Angels in The Angels Take Manhattan. Unfortunately for Rory, Brightwell & Hyman doesn't specialise in anti-Angel super-matches, and they're just as prone to being blown out as any other brand.
Although the 1938-set The Angels Take Manhattan is the first time we see Brightwell & Hyman matches onscreen, the company has existed in the Doctor Who universe since at least 1893.
In The Crimson Horror, a poster can be ever-so briefly glimpsed in the background, advertising "Brightwell & Hyman: Quality Matches".

Could it be that Brightwell & Hyman owns the match factory around which Sweetville was built? It's never confirmed in the dialogue, but a similar-looking factory does appear on this blink-and-you'll-miss-it poster.
Despite this being so obscure that even the bloody TARDIS Wiki page doesn't include Brightwell & Hyman's cameo in The Crimson Horror, it's a fun link between two stories from either side of Matt Smith's final series.