10 Exact Moments We Knew TV Characters Were Doomed To Die

And their fate was sealed.

The Walking Dead

As much as we all dread the day that a hugely compelling TV character meets their maker, often they basically end up bringing it upon themselves.

Whether heroes, villains, or somewhere in-between, these 10 characters all earmarked their own deaths episodes or even entire seasons in advance through their short-sighted and often straight-up idiotic behaviour.

From characters setting themselves up for an heroic sacrifice to protagonists who took things one step too far and villains whose actions were simply too heinous for them to keep living, they were all doomed from a very specific moment in time.

As soon as these scenes played out, it was clear where things were going, and true to form, some time later each character had their ticket punched. In some cases they were lent the swift mercy of a gunshot to the head, but in others, they weren't quite so lucky.

Whether deliciously deserved or heartbreakingly not, it was crystal clear that these TV deaths were on the horizon...

10. Ramsay Feeds His Baby Brother To His Dogs - Game Of Thrones

The Walking Dead

It says a lot about Game of Thrones' Ramsay Bolton (Iwan Rheon) that neither him raping Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner) nor castrating Theon Greyjoy (Alfie Allen) were quite the worst thing he'd ever done.

In fact, Ramsay's most vile act - and the one which conclusively clued viewers in to his fate - was in the early season six episode "Home," where he lures his stepmother Walda (Elizabeth Webster) and his newborn baby step-brother into a kennel where they're feasted upon by his ravenous dogs.

Though many had anticipated a climactic showdown between Ramsay and Jon Snow (Kit Harrington), this was the tipping point where it become obvious that Ramsay would definitely be getting his grisly comeuppance.

Murdering a baby is pretty much the last major storytelling taboo, and while Ramsay absolutely could've gotten away with his various hideous transgressions against adults, this was so cartoonishly evil as to immediately seal his fate.

And so, in the season's penultimate episode ("Battle of the Bastards"), Ramsay is defeated by Jon and eaten alive by his own hounds while Sansa watches. Satisfying isn't even the word.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.