10 Exact Moments We Knew TV Characters Were Doomed To Die

9. Bob Volunteers To Reset The Breakers - Stranger Things

The Walking Dead

Bob Newby (Sean Astin) was introduced in Stranger Things' second season as Joyce Byers' (Winona Ryder) new partner - a well-meaning if ultimately rather boring person who struggles to connect with Joyce's sons.

But in a textbook example of a nothing character being redeemed at the eleventh hour, Bob steps up and demonstrates his sure heroism in the second season's penultimate episode ("Chapter Eight: The Mind Flayer").

When Bob, Joyce, Hopper (David Harbour), Owens (Paul Reiser), and Mike (Finn Wolfhard) end up trapped inside the Hawkins Lab after a power cut, Bob volunteers to head to the basement and reset the breakers.

And at that moment, we all knew that Bob wasn't leaving the lab alive, because no redemptive heroic deed goes unpunished.

Within minutes of volunteering himself and successfully resetting the breakers, Bob gets brutally mauled to death by a pack of Demodogs as he flees the lab, cementing him as an unexpected tragic hero.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.