10 Exact Moments We Knew TV Characters Were Doomed To Die

1. Sue Shelby Buys A Sports Car - Ozark

The Walking Dead

Ozark's third season introduced Sue Shelby (Marylouise Burke), the Byrdes' therapist who ends up accepting bribes from both Marty (Jason Bateman) and his wife Wendy (Laura Linney) to sway the tide of the therapy sessions in their respective favours.

They eventually discover that Sue has been playing them against one another for her own gain, but that's not all: she ultimately extorts them for more money in order to keep her mouth shut about their criminal endeavours.

But Sue unequivocally ensures she won't be making it out of dodge alive when, late in the season ("In Case of Emergency"), she rocks up to the Byrde house in a snazzy new sports car.

Later in the same episode, she expresses to cartel lawyer Helen Pierce (Janet McTeer) an intent to shake the Byrdes down for even more money, and no more than a few minutes later, Helen has her enforcer Nelson (Nelson Bonilla) shoot Sue in the head.

Let's face it, she had it coming.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.