10 Exact Moments We Knew TV Characters Were Doomed To Die

6. Andrea Sleeps With The Governor - The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead

A sure-fire way to get yourself on the chopping block in any TV show is to sleep with the enemy, and that's exactly what The Walking Dead's Andrea (Laurie Holden) did in the show's third season.

Soon after being brought to Woodbury, Andrea grows close to the town's tyrannical leader known as The Governor (David Morrissey), and mid-way through the season ("Hounded"), she ends up having sex with him.

This pretty much cemented that Andrea was beyond redemption and, as any horror movie fan knows, questionable sexual encounters are a sure-fire indicator that your time is running out.

Though Andrea eventually appreciates the full extent of The Governor's savagery, it all comes too late, as in the season finale ("Welcome to the Tombs"), she gets bitten while imprisoned by The Governor and promptly ends up shooting herself.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.