10 Exact Moments You Raged Quit A TV Show

4. Game Of Thrones - The Starbucks Cup Fiasco

Game Of Thrones

We all have an opinion on the final season of Game Of Thrones, and the majority of these opinions are pretty negative. Fans had put all the expectations on the Night King storyline being the grand ending to Game of Thrones, with theories of his origin hopefully being answered and a final battle that would be as iconic as the Red Wedding.

But the disappointing defeat of the Night King three episodes in had fans let down and set the rest of the season up to be mediocre. And it was. But if you do not believe this, look no further than Starbucks-gate.

Fan rage was understandably high after the Night King's defeat, and the show did nothing but fan the flames when, in the episode immediately after, a freaking STARBUCK'S cup was spotted in a scene! This show, this INCREDIBLY successful and famous show, had the audacity to leave a STARBUCKS CUP in the shot! What in the ever-loving laziness were they doing?!

All around the world people were screaming at the TV asking how no one noticed this! Not the actors, not the director, the crew, the editors, the producers NO ONE. People were apoplectic with rage.

This was just a huge reflection of the season as a whole: the creators were so set on spending too much money on dragon sequences and including as many characters as they could that they forgot to actually put care into the show. So, the people that rage quit after Starbucks-gate were already on edge, but it was this sheer lack of thought on the show's part that hammered the last nail into the coffin for these disappointed former fans.


Lily thought it was about time she wrote Top Ten lists for people other than herself. She also owes her dog a lot of money so she thought it was about time to pay her dues. There is no tv show she likes that she hasn't seen at least twice.