10 Facts About Westeros Game Of Thrones Won't Tell You

4. There’s A People In The North Called Crannogmen

Game Of Thrones Weirwood

It turns out the North isn’t purely made up of noble houses that fight for the Starks; it also contains a group of maligned people called crannogmen. And though they are still loyal to the Starks and are ruled by the Reeds, they’re far from a noble house.

Living in the swamps of the Neck, crannogmen live on floating islands inside little huts and hovels. They’re physically smaller than most men, and while some say it’s because they intermarried with the Children of the Forest, others speculate they simply suffer from poor nourishment.

While both explanations for their small statures are possible, what is known is that they eat the fish, frogs, and lizards that inhabit the swamps with them, and they rarely mingle with outsiders. While legends from surrounding lands paint the crannogmen as water-breathers with webbed hands and feet, that’s simply untrue and can be attributed to the crannogmen being generally untrusted.

A reason for this disdain is the fact that the crannogmen are famous for their poison-tipped spears and arrows, not to mention the mysterious plants and herbs with fanciful properties that grow in the swamps – thus allowing only the crannogmen knowledge of how to utilize them.

It's safe to say we won't be seeing the crannogmen on Game Of Thrones anytime soon.


Jake Black writes the funny, weird, interesting things that you love reading. He's super cool, really famous, and everyone likes him. He's never once been punched in the face by Johnny Depp on a ferry traveling to Southampton, England.