10 Facts About Westeros Game Of Thrones Won't Tell You

3. Unicorns, Lizard-Lions Exist, And Ice-Spiders Exist

Game Of Thrones Weirwood

Book fans often criticize Game Of Thrones for taking a lot of the more heavy fantasy aspects out of the series. And while it makes perfect sense that HBO would want to make a fantasy series as accessible as possible to the masses, what doesn’t make sense is why some things were left out over others.

Sure, we can accept that if Daenerys’ eyes were purple (as they are in the book) people would be like WTF, but in a show with dragons why can’t we get some more crazy creatures? Especially considering some of the ones that are known to live in Westeros.

In the books, among dragons and direwolves, is a creature called a lizard-lion, which is a massive reptile that lives in the bogs of the Neck. Resembling decaying logs floating in the water, their teeth are like daggers, they're found on the sigil of House Reed, and there are ancient songs about Marsh Kings riding on lizard-lions to wartime victory.

Then again, lizard-lions aren’t even the strangest thing in Westeros, as it’s also said that unicorns have been ridden into battle in the past. The unicorn is a respected creature all throughout Westeros with several great houses featuring unicorns as their sigil.

But the weirdest creature in all of Westeros has to be the giant ice-spider, something that the show left out in place of the zombie horses that the White Walkers ride. So although the show is nearing its end game and none of these creatures have been shown, let's just hold a little hope that an ice spider will show up before Game Of Thrones ends for good.


Jake Black writes the funny, weird, interesting things that you love reading. He's super cool, really famous, and everyone likes him. He's never once been punched in the face by Johnny Depp on a ferry traveling to Southampton, England.