10 Failed Doctor Who Movies (And Why They Didn't Happen)

9. Peter Cushing's Doomed Threequel

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Unbeknownst to a lot of people, Paul McGann's '90s TV reboot isn't the only time Doctor Who has been given the movie treatment.

In the mid-1960s, Peter Cushing - who would go on to play Grand Moff Tarkin in a little movie called Star Wars - starred in two Doctor Who films, both of which were based on popular stories from the show (although they weren't a part of its ongoing continuity).

The first film was called Dr. Who and the Daleks - based on the William Hartnell serial The Daleks - and was successful enough to inspire a sequel, Daleks Invasion Earth: 2150 AD, which was based on Hartnell's second Dalek serial, The Dalek Invasion of Earth.

Unfortunately, the sequel didn't perform too well commercially, and as a result, the proposed third film - which would have been based on The Chase, another Hartnell/Dalek serial - was canned.

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