10 False Doctor Who Facts You Probably Still Believe

4. Classic Doctors Were In The Day Of The Doctor

Doctor Who Tenth Doctor Rose New Earth kiss
BBC Studios

Obviously those body doubles floating on a cloud at the end aren't the original classic Doctors, but The Five(ish) Doctors strongly hinted that Peter Davison, Colin Baker, and Sylvester McCoy did sneak their way into The Day of the Doctor.

The Five(ish) Doctors was a real highlight of the 50th anniversary, and a great sitcom pitch for the new Disney+ era of Doctor Who. Who doesn't want to see more of Pete, Colin, and Sylv getting into Doctor Who-adjacent scrapes?

After much clowning around in Cardiff, this one-off episode ends with the three classic Doctors standing under sheets in the undergallery. This led some fans to believe they were actually in the episode, standing under those same sheets! But Steven Moffat says they weren't:

"There are things that you don't do to three highly-distinguished actors and one of them is you don't really drape them under a sheet for several hours!"
Doctor Who The Day of the Doctor undergallery
BBC Studios

So sure, it's a lie, but I think we all prefer the version of The Day of the Doctor that has Sylvester, Colin, and Peter hiding under dust sheets while Matt Smith walks past.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.