10 False Doctor Who Facts You Probably Still Believe

3. Ten & Rose's New Earth Kiss Was An Ad-Lib

Doctor Who Tenth Doctor Rose New Earth kiss
BBC Studios

Many fans have forgotten rule number one of any Doctor Who promotional material  The Showrunner Lies. Steven Moffat's wry sense of humour was regularly getting him in trouble with fans who couldn't read irony, and Russell T Davies is no stranger to people taking his words at face value either.

For example, the scene in New Earth in which Rose  while under the influence of Cassandra – gives the Tenth Doctor a passionate kiss. During the online commentary for the episode, RTD notes that it was "completely unscripted". 

This prompts much laughter from David Tennant and producer Phil Collinson, not least because it's a joke. However, some fans took it at face value and believe that the kiss was an ad-lib by Billie Piper.

A quick look at the script for New Earth confirms otherwise, however. The scene in question is written by RTD as follows:

"She grabs his collar, yanks him down - Snogs him. Lets go, wipes her mouth like she's eaten fried chicken."

So if you've ever wondered what it's like to kiss the Tenth Doctor, it's not unlike devouring a KFC family bucket.

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Citizen of the Universe, Film Programmer, Writer, Podcaster, Doctor Who fan and a gentleman to boot. As passionate about Chinese social-realist epics as I am about dumb popcorn movies.