10 Fan Theories That Put Interesting Spins On Your Favourite '80s Cartoons

9. Care Bears Is About Voodoo

Care Bears TV

Care Bears - those loving, caring, helpful little bears who originated on greetings cards in the early 1980s. There couldn't possibly be a sinister undertone to the cartoon, could there? Well one fan theory suggests there is - and the theory is that Care Bears is simply Voodoo masquerading as children's entertainment.

The very name "Care Bears" is undeniably similar to "Carefours", the district of Port-au-Prince which is the heart of the Voodoo world - and that's just for starters. The cloud city of Care-a-Lot is a lot like an idealised 'holy city' of the L'wha (Voodoo spirits), a divine reflection of Carefours.

And look at some of the terminology; the Care Bears like to "share until you care" in the same way that the L'wha want to share the bodies of their worshippers. They are also always trying to be children's 'friends', in the same way the Voodoo L'wha are often referred to by their followers as "friendly spirits" or just "friends". The innocent-looking insignias on the Care Bears€™ tummies also essentially mirror the arcane symbols of the Voodoo gods.


I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.